If you've tried everything but nothing has worked...
And you want to work with me, then you must be willing to empty your mind.
You actually have to make room for what I am about to give you.
Declutter your mind first, then we can begin.
Before you can learn, you must unlearn.
Then I can fill your cup.
Society taught you how to be a good worker, not a good wife and mother.
Your parents told you to focus on your studies, don't date, work hard and get a good job.
You went to school, got that fancy apartment with a pool and a nice view...
But at the end of the day, you just have plenty of paper on the wall but no marriage certificate.
What books will teach you how to understand men, how they date and select their mate?
Technical knowledge is not the same as people knowledge.
For example, learning how to read and interpret both verbal and non-verbal cues from men.
Also, what are you signaling to men by how you text, how you dress and behave on dates?
Some things are taught by your parents, your teachers and role models.
If your parents never taught you, then pick your Dojo.
The problem is, most accomplished people are not always readily available to teach.
Everyone is busy taking care of their own concerns, so if you find a teacher, be humble.
False gurus are everywhere and will approach you to make a quick buck, not instruct.
Know the difference and avoid them at all costs.
"It takes humility to take instruction." - Ellen Fein, The Rules Book Author
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